N头条>英语词典>apparent motion翻译和用法

apparent motion

英 [əˈpærənt ˈməʊʃn]

美 [əˈpærənt ˈmoʊʃn]

网络  似动; 似动现象; 表观运动; 视运动; 似动运动




  • an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object
    1. the cinema relies on apparent motion
    2. the succession of flashing lights gave an illusion of movement
    Synonym:motionapparent movementmovement


  • Therefore, it is possible to obtain the sunrise time and the day length of any point in the shading region graphically or numerically, with the apparent motion locus of the sun and the above calculation of the corresponding point.
  • To investigate the effect of form identity on visual apparent motion, several single letters were used as stimuli in the experiment.
  • He considered that it was caused by the non-uniformity of the apparent annual motion of the sun.
  • The length of the year, in fact, is determined from this apparent motion of the sun among the stars.
  • With apparent motion of tactual sense applied, the device gives the patient the ability to perform biofeedback in tactile and visual ways, and thus makes the patient more relaxed than other cases.
  • The Altitude Ratio of a Celestial Body in its Diurnal Apparent Motion
  • Optical flow field is referred to the apparent motion of image brightness patterns. It can be obtained by adding constraints to solve the optical flow constraint equation.
  • Apparent motion of planets and exterior trochoid
  • On the other hand, during a period of apparent rest and unconscious work, certain of them are detached from the wall and put in motion.
  • The motion of the airplane also adds or subtracts at bit from this apparent object motion.